Category: Global Development
Institutions All the Way Down
Doing Less More With Less
Demography & Development: Fruitful Multiplication
COVID-19 Response: Reflections from the (Virtual) Trenches
Written by Rebecca Alcock // On June 3rd, 2018, a volcano erupted in the heart of Guatemala. At the time of the eruption, I was living and working in Guatemala as a field intern for Engineers Without Borders, supporting the pre- and post-implementation site assessments for infrastructure projects. Our team mobilized to rebuild crucial infrastructure in the communities surrounding the volcano and had the foresight to formally establish a response framework, which would pave the way for the substantial COVID-19 response efforts underway today. Continue reading
Data & Development: A Journey Without Maps
Troubled Waters for Emerging Markets
Written by Ryan McGuine // The global economy has faced a series of dramatic shocks related to the COVID-19 outbreak. While high-income countries have thrown money at their health systems and economies to dampen the hardship, many other countries lack the resources to do so. Continue reading
This is America
Sparked by the death of George Floyd, who was killed by police officers in Minneapolis, protesters marched against systematic racial bias and police brutality in cities throughout America last week. This is a site about global development, a field which typically avoids coverage of the USA. Nonetheless, its tools to study poverty and inequity are just as applicable in wealthy countries as they are in low- and middle-income ones. Continue reading
Long Story Short: Poverty, Development & Coronavirus
Poor Economics, Great Economists
Written by Ryan McGuine // In October, economists Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer were awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences "for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty." Until the 1980s, the field of development economics, which seeks to determine why some countries grow rich while others remain poor, was mostly concerned with big questions, debates about foreign aid were heavily ideological, and billions of dollars were spent on untested projects based on untested assumptions. Enter the Randomistas. Continue reading